Athenese DX
Pack Size:2 x 50 ml
The TRUEchemie SGPT (ALT) Liquid Reagent(kinetic method)Test Kit is for the quantita tive determination of Serum Glutamate Pyruvate Transaminase (SGPT) or Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) in human serum or plasma.
PRINCIPLE SGPT (ALT) L-Alanine 2-oxoglutarate Pyruvate L-Glutamate LDH Pyruvate NADH H Lactate NAD H2O The pyruvate formed in the first reaction is reduced to lactate in the presence of lactate dehydrogenase and NADH. The activity of SGPT is determined by measuring the rate of oxidation of NADH at 340 nm. Endogenous sample pyruvate is converted to lactate by LDH during the lag phase prior to measurement. LFT Kit Biochemistry Kit