Pack Size:10 test/kit
INTENDED USE Anti-D (IgM IgG) Monoclonal Antibodies are in-vitro culture supernatant of hybrids obtained by cellular fusion (Hybridoma technology). The Anti-D (IgM IgG) monoclonal antibodies have the following features:
PRINCIPLE OF THE TEST Human red cells are classified as Rh positive (Rh ) or Rh negative (Rh- ) depending upon the presence or absence of "D" antigen on them. Major percentage of the population is Rh positive. Human red blood cells possessing D antigen will agglutinate in the presence of corresponding antibody. Agglutination of red cells with Anti-D (IgM IgG) Monoclonal Antibodies indicates the presence of D-antigen and hence Rh positive result. Since the antibodies is a mixture of immunoglobulin class Monoclonal IgM and Monoclonal IgG. It can detect D antigen & higher and lower grade of Du antigen i.e. the weak variant of Antigen ‘D’. In case no agglutination is obtained with Anti-D (IgM IgG) Monoclonal Antibodies on slide, the red cells should be further checked for the presence of DU antigen using Anti Human Globulin serum (Coomb’s Reagent) by Indirect Coomb’s technique. blood group kits,blood grouping kit ,blood group,sera,antibodies blood group