Athenese DX
Pack Size:2 x 25 ml
The TRUEchemie CK NAC liquid reagent test kit is used for the quantitative determination of Creatine Kinase in human serum Product Features:
PRINCIPLE CK Creatine Phosphate ADP <--------> Creatine ATP ,HK ATP D-Glucose <---------> Glucose-6-Phosphate ADP, G-6-PDH Glucose-6- phosphate NAD <------------> 6- Phosphogluconate NADH H CK catalyzes the conversion of creatine phosphate and ADP to creatine and ATP. The ATP and glucose are converted to ADP and glucose-6-phosphate by hexokinase (HK). Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PDH) oxidizes at the D-glucose-6-phosphate and reduces the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD). The rate of NADH formation, measured at 340 nm, is directly proportional to serum CK activity Biochemistry Kit